Analog Wines For the Digital Age

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2012 Garlic Harvest at Agricola Cirelli

As I am sure I have let you know many times, Agricola Cirelli does not only make wine. They grow garlic, figs, wheat, geese and olives.  It is one thing after another from now until the end of the year.  Strangely enough, or maybe not so strange, but Francesco doesn't even eat garlic as it doesn't sit well with his stomach.  So proud to be representing Agricola Cirelli.

Raw garlic: così è dopo la raccolta e l’esiccamento di circa 10 giorni 
This is how it is after the harvest and drying for around 10 days.
Per un prodotto eccellente occorre pulire e selezionare l’aglio migliore!
For an excellent product, you need to clean and select the best garlic!
Dopo la pulizia, le teste dell’aglio vengono immesse nella macchina “calibratrice” che serve a dividere le teste dell’aglio a seconda della loro dimensione.
After the cleaning, the heads of garlic are put into the calibrating machine that serves to divide the heads of garlic by their size.
The final result: nearly 100 quintals (100kg) of beautiful, organic garlic.

Si festeggia la fine della raccolta! Michela con i nostri cari collaboratori
Celebrating the end of harvest.  Michela, Francesco's new wife, with their dear collaborators.

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