Analog Wines For the Digital Age

Friday, November 3, 2017

Harvest 2017 at Praesidium in the Abruzzo . . . captions by Antonia Pasquale

6th October 2017 Cases ready for hosting the grapes still on the vines - the Sirente chain of mountains on the bottom 
Grapes in the cases on the tractor - The Morrone chain of mountains at the bottom

Harvest 2017 cases ready to be filled up with the Montepulciano  grapes 
Harvest in the old vineyard planted in 1973

Montepulciano grapes 2017 - the harvest occurred from the 2th to the 6th of October 

Ottaviano and Enzo in the Trebbiano vineyard

Our town Prezza on the right and the homonimous mountain- Sabrina with the hat

The crush-destemmer Michele- Massimo and Ottaviano

The grapes in the cases on the tractor- The Mountain San Cosimo 
The harvest in the old vineyard planted in 1973

Lunch with Francesca Vaira at Terroni DTLA . . . best lunch ever!

Francesca Vaira  2010 Langhe Freisa Kye` Library  2006 Langhe Freisa Kye` Library 2014 Luigi Ba...